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Hall plan to bite into
May 25, 2020

Actually, almost everything is as usual, only the way to the office in the full Berlin subway is missing. What is another big advantage of the home office?
For me in any case the possibility to prepare a fine snack or a healthy breakfast at any time.
Maja Lorenz whets your appetite for a CMS booth
After ten weeks in the home office, a certain "tasty" routine is now also emerging in the new home working environment. When I get up at the usual time, have breakfast and put on my daytime make-up, I don't currently move to the nearest subway station, but dress up for video call and take my new dining table workstation.
One of the warnings when working in the home office is that private and official matters are mixed, so one morning it came as little surprise when I asked myself at breakfast: "Is this actually still a crispbread or the floor plan of a block on the hall plan?
From my point of view, this is clearly a block with one headstand and two corner stands!
And all the greenery around it... then it must be a block in hall 2.2.
So this kind of mind game comes out once you've lost your heart to the CMS special show on plant maintenance.