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Press Release
Media invitation for press events CMS 2023
September 19, 2023
Opening tour with Permanent Secretary Alexander Slotty
Photo opportunity: 10:25 a.m., meeting point Messe Berlin South Entrance (forecourt).
Tour: 10:40-11:30, visit exhibition stands exhibitors and joint stand BIV, VDMA and IHO.
- Permanent Secretary Alexander Slotty, Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing.
- Federal Guild Master Thomas Dietrich, Federal Guild Association of the Building Cleaning Trade (BIV)
- Frank Ulbricht, Chairman of the Cleaning Systems Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA)
- Markus Häfner, Chairman of the Building Cleaning Division of the Industrial Association for Hygiene and Surface Protection for Industrial and Institutional Applications (IHO) (inquired)
- Dr. Mario Tobias, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Messe Berlin
- Dirk Hoffmann, Chief Operating Officer (COO) Messe Berlin
Presentation of the CMS Purus Innovation Award (PIA) / Opening evening CMS 2023.
Start: 5:30 p.m. - approx. 10 p.m.
- Federal Guild Master Thomas Dietrich, Federal Guild Association of the Building Cleaning Trade (BIV)
- Frank Ulbricht, Chairman of the Cleaning Systems Association of the German Engineering Federation (VDMA)
- Markus Häfner, Chairman of the Building Cleaning Division of the Industrial Association for Hygiene and Surface Protection for Industrial and Institutional Applications (IHO)
- Dr. Mario Tobias, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Messe Berlin
- Dirk Hoffmann, Chief Operating Officer (COO) Messe Berlin
Location: Marshall-Haus on the exhibition grounds
September 20, 2023
Mobility Cleaning Circle (MCC)
Duration: 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
10:30 - 11:30 Welcome and expert panel discussion on sustainability in transportation cleaning.
- Ramona Belkot, Vehicle and Maintenance Management, metronom Eisenbahngesellschaft mbH
- Tom Dreiner, Managing Director Transport Maintenance and Building Cleaning, WISAG Gebäudereinigung Holding GmbH & Co. KG
- Tanja Reilly, Senior Strategic Account Executive, EcoVadis Business Sustainability Ratings
- Enrico Sosinski, Chief Customer Officer, DR.SCHNELL GmbH & Co. KGaA
11:30 - 13:00 Networking Lunch
Location: Marshall Haus on the exhibition grounds
13:00 - 14:30 Best practices, trade fair tour / live demonstrations of cleaning work on vehicles between Hall 1.2 and 3.2
Location: Exhibition grounds between Hall 1.2 and 3.2
Press registration and accreditation
Please let us know by e-mail to by September 15 which press appointments you would like to attend. Prior online accreditation is required for your participation. Please accredit online at Accreditation.
Note: There will be no on-site accreditation.
If you have already accredited, consider this item completed.
Press accreditations for CMS Berlin 2023 are valid from September 19 - 22, 2023. The issued press badges are non-transferable and only valid in conjunction with an ID card. They entitle the holder to free access during the entire trade fair.
Press Center in Hall 5.2
The CMS Berlin Press Center is located in Hall 5.2 and will be open Tues - Thurs from 10 am to 5 pm and Fri from 10 am to 3 pm from September 19 - 22, 2023.
Here you will find:
- the CMS Berlin press team
- free WLAN
- a lounge area with catering
With your accreditation you can use any checkroom on the premises free of charge.
Press material
Current press materialsuch as press releases and press photos for download are also available online.
You will find further information at:
Follow us: twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram.
Your CMS Berlin press team
Ingrid Mardo, PR Manager
T +49 30 3038 2282
Ilka Dreimann, PR Operations Manager
T +49 30 3038 2267

About CMS Berlin
From 19 to 22 September 2023 CMS Berlin, leading trade fair for cleaning and hygiene industry, will be gathering the industry at an in-person event again in Berlin.
Occupying an area of more than 31,000 square metres in the halls and on the outdoor display area, around 450 exhibitors, the highest number to date, took part in CMS Berlin 2019. Coming from 25 countries, they provided a comprehensive overview of the products and services from every branch of the commercial cleaning industry. Some 25,000 representatives of the industry, including around 21,000 trade visitors from 80 countries and every cleaning market, came to the four-day cleaning trade fair to find out about the latest products and services on the commercial cleaning market.
CMS Berlin is organised by Messe Berlin GmbH and takes place every two years. The following professional organisations are sponsors of the event: the Federal Guild Association of the Cleaning Trade (BIV), Bonn, the Cleaning Systems Trade Association in the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA), Frankfurt/Main, and the Hygiene Industry Association (IHO), Frankfurt/Main.
The community and business platform CMS PLUS is the virtual addition to the international cleaning trade fair CMS Berlin. It offers the cleaning industry interactive features for even more dialogue, information, networking and presentations.
About Messe Berlin
Berlin has been a trade fair destination for 200 years, and has been one of the most important such hubs for many decades. Messe Berlin – the state’s own trade fair company – conceives, markets and organises hundreds of live events every year. It strives to be an outstanding host for visitors at all events, generate optimal business stimuli, and provide fair conditions for everyone. This concept is reflected in the company slogan: Messe Berlin – Hosting the World.
More Information:
Follow us: twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram.