

September 25, 2019

CMS Berlin update – 24 September 2019

From 24 to 27 September we will be providing daily information on innovations and highlights as well as industry news from CMS Berlin 2019.


The latest updates on CMS Berlin 2019 including the Innovation Report, press releases and current press photos can be found online at These are available free of charge for editorial purposes and research.


Practice Forum: Digitalisation is the dominant theme at CMS Berlin

Speaking at the CMS Practice Forum on day one of CMS Berlin, Johannes Bungart, managing director of the National Guild Association of the Building Cleaning Trade, said: “The first day of the fair confirmed that for almost every exhibitor digitalisation is the dominant theme at CMS.” On the one hand the discussion here in Berlin was on how processes were changing, what companies’ digital strategies were, and how robotics, automation and sensor systems could effect changes, improve efficiency and create transparency. On the other hand, 90 per cent of the work undertaken by companies in Berlin was on existing buildings. “It means that for the foreseeable future cleaning will be a service performed by humans in the service of humans. Companies continue to make great efforts to ensure they are attractive employers“, said Bungart. The framework wage agreement talks which were about to enter their sixth phase on 30 September in Frankfurt/Main were a good example of this, he added. The employers had made IG BAU a fair offer, which included additional leave, higher trainee wages and overtime payments, from which full-time and part-time employees would both benefit. “Not only will agreed wages continue to increase in 2020, but for the first time in East and West wages will converge“, said Bungart on a positive note. “Other topics which we at the BIV are keeping a close eye on are the latest regulations on working with ladders, hygiene management in hospitals, a new eco label for building cleaning services and its future implementation at European level.”


CMS Practice Forum: The latest topics regarding building cleaning and the framework wage agreement, Tues. 24 Sept. 2019, 1.00 - 2.00 p.m. contact: Christopher Lück, T: +49 (0)30 206 708 97, M:


Clean ideas

At CMS Berlin 2019, the Newcomer Stand, which is sponsored by the Federal Ministry for Economics and Energy, features German start-ups in the cleaning industry. For Fabian Fürst, general manager of the Auconic company, a visit to CMS two years ago was the starting point for the development of a cleaning robot. His ClearBot prototype has been designed for working at height to clean building facades. It provides for thorough cleaning while also conserving water. The invention by Martin Konietzky of res-bona International GmbH is already finding use in Austria in regional trains as well as in nursery schools. With a tip made of rolled up cellulose his WC Sauber Stab (Clean Stick) has been designed to clean toilet bowls, where it can subsequently be flushed away. The plastic rod by which it is held uses silver-ion technology to prevent any contamination by germs. Heinz Kersten has developed the three-component GEYSIR hot water / hot steam system as an environmentally friendly means of clearing weeds from paths. A single rod or a number of them are used to carry out this treatment, depending on the size of the area. Water at a temperature of 110 degrees C destroys the protein structure of the plants and inhibits their growth, without the need for pesticides.

Hall 6.2, Stands 108-111


Sustainable, including the packaging

Environmentally friendly ingredients are used in the products from tana-Chemie, the winner of the German Environmental Award 2019 and one of the Werner & Mertz Professional brands. However, the efforts to protect the environment begin with the packaging, And the bottles containing this cleaning product are composed exclusively of recycled plastic made from yellow refuse bags. With the new Kliks washing system detergents are simply obtained from cartons. For companies that are keen to reduce their CO2 footprint the CO2 savings achieved with sustainable cleaning agents can be determined using the green care performance calculator.

Hall 4.2, Stand 214, contact: Christopher Lüning, T: +49 (0)171 2204415, M:


Practice Forum: Digital services offer added value

Digital services have been available for many years in the cleaning industry. However, their real potential has only recently become apparent. Speaking at the CMS Practice Forum, Markus Eckert, head instructor at GAS, Nilfisk GmbH, discussed the overall prospects for digital services in the cleaning industry. On the one hand, digital services are capable of improving cleaning efficiency, quality, and the organisation of staff. On the other, digitalisation facilitates cleaning machines developing from an individual product to a system within a system. Autonomous and digital services also save costs.

CMS Practice Forum: The added value of digital services in the cleaning industry / Tues., 24 Sept. 2019, 2.00 - 2.30 p.m. contact: Markus Eckert,


Tork Paper Circle: Recycling paper towels

With its Tork Paper Circle, at CMS 2019 Tork is presenting the world’s first recycling service for paper towels. Used towels are collected in special waste bins and then processed at the Tork plant to make new hygiene products. In July 2019 the Essity hygiene brand received the Environmental Technology Award of the Land of Baden-Württemberg for its innovation.

Hall 4.2, Stand: 218, contact: Stefan Bruckmann, T: +49 (0)621 778 4734, M:


The Hako campaign to eliminate dust: Dust Stop

With Dust Stop the manufacturing company Hako, based in Bad Oldesloe, has developed sweeping equipment that provides a simple but effective way of boosting efficiency, improving the environmental balance and conserving resources. As product line manager Ricardo Ruiz Porath explains at CMS Berlin, the cover over disc brushes is a highly effective way of preventing the spread of the dust in the surrounding air that is stirred up during the sweeping process. Dust Stop reduces such emissions by up to 90 per cent. It also eliminates the need to use water or compressed air, and substantially widens the scope of the cleaning machine.

Hall 1.2, Stand 200, contact: Sabine Paul, T: +49 (0) 4531 806369, M:


Automated glass cleaning by drone

The drone travels tirelessly up and down the large window. Propelled by four rotors, it presses a cylindrical brush against the surface of the glass, which it cleans with pure water. “It can easily tackle 50 to 100 square metres per hour”, according to Yves Bianga of WC3D, speaking at CMS Berlin. He has been working in a team led by Marcus Fritsche since 2012 to automate the glass cleaning process. For the past year they have been offering this service, using drones, and have been successfully applying robot technology to fulfil cleaning contracts in the Dresden area. The rotors provide vertical and horizontal motion without any physical human intervention. Power and water are supplied from the ground by cables and tubes, thereby providing for many hours of uninterrupted operation. WC3D also regards this development as a response to the shortage of skilled operatives and the demands imposed on workers by the constant consolidation of the areas to be cleaned.

Hall 6.2, Stand 105, contact: Sandra Geissmar, T: +49 (0) 162 3482 298, M:


On-board pellet plant

Dry ice cleaning is particularly efficient in places where chemicals cannot be used, such as on car seats or surfaces that have to be cleaned prior to painting. Pellets at a temperature of minus 79°C are “fired” at the soiled area, making the dirt crumbly and brittle, enabling it to the easily removed. The new IB 10/8 L2P from Kärcher therefore makes cleaning in car repair shops or in industrial processes much easier. It also incorporates the production of CO2 pellets from liquid dry ice. This eliminates the complex provision of pellets, which only have a limited life, as explained by product manager Andreas Kruner at CMS Berlin: “Miniaturisation of the production process has significantly simplified the logistics involved in making dry ice.” A standard bottle containing liquid dry ice, in which the carbon dioxide has a virtually unlimited life, is installed on top of the cleaner. It only produces pellets when cleaning is actually taking place.

Hall 3.2, Stand 100, contact: David.Wickel-Bajak, T: +49 (0) 7195 14 2309, M:  


Practice Forum: Industrial waste directive brings new responsibilities

The new industrial waste directive which came into force on 1 August 2017 means that producers of industrial waste in municipal areas must now comply with much stricter rules. For companies, local authorities and public and private institutions this means they must comprehensively sort the waste they produce at source and extensively document its volume and destination. Speaking at the CMS Practice Forum, Nadine Buschow, a project engineer with u.e.c. Berlin, explained how cleaning services are operating at an important interface between waste producers and disposal companies. As part of the waste disposal chain they are also committed to fulfilling the demands of the industrial waste directive. In the case of public sector contracts, in order to comply with environmentally friendly procurement methods there are legal constraints which must also be observed.

Against this backdrop, industrial cleaning providers are being increasingly confronted with environmental issues. In order for cleaning services to be sustainable it is important to develop and implement comprehensive waste sorting concepts, use environmentally friendly cleaning products and employ correspondingly trained staff.

CMS Practice Forum: Sustainable cleaning services in accordance with the industrial waste directive and environmentally friendly procurement methods / Tues., 24 Sept. 2019, 2.30 - 3.00 p.m. contact: Nadine Buschow, T: +49 (0)30 344 80 39, M:


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